CCTV systems (closed circuit television) are one of the most effective
means of securing your home or business. CCTV monitoring can deter and
confirm Shoplifting, Child Abuse, Vandalism, Harassment and a host of
other problems. Basic cctv systems consist of a CCTV camera connected
directly to a cctv monitor. More complex systems can monitor the camera
through switchers, time lapse recorders and even over the phone line.
CCTV switchers allow multiple CCTV cameras to be connected to one monitor
by switching between cameras at preset time intervals or by splitting
the screen to display more than one camera’s picture on the screen.
The latest home CCTV security systems allow you to call the system,
and, with a monitor connect to the telephone line through special equipment,
you can view and control the CCTV cameras remotely.
CCTV Cameras come in a variety of styles; Standard, Bullets, and Domes.
They can also disguised as smoke detectors, thermostats, clocks and
even stuffed animals. There are cameras as small as quarter and can
be concealed anywhere.
Recording the CCTV system surveillance is an important part of any camera
security installation. VHS Time lapse recorders are one method. A more
advanced method is using a DVR. DVR’s (Digital video Recorder) records
on a hard disk drive and are far superior than VHS tapes. DVR’s can
search any event reordered by inputting a time and date and the entire
CCTV system can be networked over a LAN and be accessed remotely using
a standard web browser.
If you are a security professional, we invite you to contact
us to receive a login ID. This login will allow you to view our competitive
pricing on one of the largest CCTV camera & CCTV systems product offering.
Christy Industries is also distributors for Burglar Alarms, Fire Alarms
and all your professional security needs. View this site for a complete
listing and description of all our CCTV systems products.
We have been in business since 1966 so you can be confident in your
We can ship nationwide within 24 hours. Just call or email us your request

We Accept Purchase Orders
In addition to all the major credit cards we accept purchase orders from Fortune 1000 corporations, educational institutions, and government agencies.
All purchase order terms are Net 30 days. Please fax your purchase order to (718) 259-3294
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